(585) 546-1470 • Habitat@GRHabitat.org • 755 Culver Road, Rochester, NY, 14609
President and CEO
Chief Operating Officer
Senior Vice President Major Gifts and Planned Giving
Director of Development & Marketing
Matthew J. Flanigan, MPA, President & CEO
Tim Guillemette, MPA, Chief Operations Officer
Michelle Zucaro, Director of Finance
Ethel Duble, Sr. Vice President, Major Gifts & Planned Giving
Laurie Streber, Director of Development & Marketing
Abigail Blake, Family Services Director
Bob Gibson , Construction Director
Zachary Merica, Construction Manager
Mark Mancuso, Human Resources Manager
Arthur James, Facilities and Safety Manager
Julie Allen, Communications & Marketing Manager
Dan Petronio, Director, GRHFH ReStores
Melissa King, ReStore Manager, Canandaigua
Jordan Stanford, ReStore Manager, BayTowne
Anthony Garritano, ReStore Manager, Henrietta
Staci Evans, BOARD CHAIR
Kim Gaylord, VICE CHAIR
Sarah Compter, SECRETARY
Josh Miller, TREASURER
Bob August
Erick Bond
TJ Cashette
Holly Cicconi-Eggleston
Jim Darcy
Kristina Dengler
Jordan Dixon
Jeff Fasoldt
Shevon Gregory
Kevin Hill
Ryan Hook
Jonathan Miller
Kim Nugent
Ellen Polimeni
Lindsay Prichard-Fox
Justin Sansone
Melissa Streber
Scott Sydelnik
Vivik Verma
Jenna Wagner
Cori Zinter
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Flower City Habitat for Humanity DBA Greater Rochester Habitat for Humanity is a 501(c)(3) non profit recognized by the IRS. Tax Id Number 13-3281487.